As an educator, I see the progress of technology for the rapid replacement of the educational dinosaur that we call a classroom.
Questions that we all must ask ourselves:
1. What we think an education for?
2. How do we educate our children?
3. Did we teach people skills or values?
4. Are we teaching children to think creatively?
The students are very proficient in the use of computers because they have access to all types of information. It's like theLibrary, but there without the expense of driving. Of course there is always the problem of "Going to the library" and not reading anything.
We must begin to teach students in the use of computers, zeroing in seven core skills: defining, accessing, managing, integration, evaluation, production and transmission of information. The seven core areas can into simple tasks for pupils of primary school breakdown of how the students and the advances in knowledge of the computer that builtSkills.
I just finished reading Neil Postman's "Technopoly" which takes place in our society, a contrary view on the value of technology. The reality is, is that the technology is here to stay and it is more advanced and sophisticated each day. Computers are tools and format information programmed into them that spelling, grammar, and page can set up automatically checked and done in some cases for you. Technology, especially computers) will continuemake our lives more efficient we save time, energy and the ability to communicate globally with various network available to computer users. Many programs available to computer users actually teach people of all ages, different abilities, which are used to teach at the school. Since this is the case, then why is the formal education necessary at all? The question provides educational material for reflection.
© Copyright 2006 by Pamela Beers. All rights reserved.