วันพุธที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Better Design with Autodesk

See how bicycles, bridges, and a brand new science academy were designed, visualized, and simulated with the help of Autodesk technologies. By fully experiencing and enhancing their projects before they are built, design teams are creating manufacturing products and architectural projects that are more efficient, economical, and sustainable than ever before. www.autodesk.com ... Autodesk Design Visualization 2D 3D Marin Bikes Bay Bridge Academy of Sciences


วันอังคารที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552




Children of Men - Making Of

The making of the movie "Children of Men". Mainly focuses on the long takes and visual style of the film. ... Children of Men Making Of long takes oneshot steadicam


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Vision For Technology In Church

Does your church have a vision for technology? "What would this look like if it did? Does it matter if your church is not a vision for the technology?

Proverbs 29:18 says:

Where there is no vision the people perish, but he is the guardian of the law, happy is he. (KJV)

Do not miss this verse. Where there is no vision the people perish. The second part of the verse about keeping the law literally means guarding the direction of the vision, and then the word happyliterally means blessed. Die Well, folks, if there is no vision, but those are the direction of the VisionGuard blessed. The church needs vision for many areas, including technology. Where no vision, the technology will go away.

I like The Message version of this verse:

Unless people can see what God is doing, they stumble all over himself blessed, but when they by what he shows them the most.

Technology allows the Church to reach people and quite honestly, not lost the stream into the church. We need the church, which Christ achieved in our actions and attitudes to our community and a way to do this, from the use of technology, via websites, podcasts, and other possibilities. The technology ministry in your church must become a priority if it does not have the vision and needs to be focused and to be defined.

If your church does not have a vision for the integration> Technology in the Ministry, do not expect technology to improve the service of your church.

How do you cast a vision for the technology in your church? This is a difficult question and one that did not answer easily. Churches I have not been seen in the use of technology to enhance their service and are interested in anything done in this respect, not effective. I (a part of the church, as was recently did, I could not even begin to cast a vision and I have not modifiedlong!)

I am blessed to serve in a church that is now open to more with the technology and needs a vision in this way. I have seen steps in the right direction taken in recent months and that's exciting. If you have cast the vision for the technology in the church, please share, I think we can all learn from your experience.

วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Ancient Technology: The Violet Ray Device

Once I realized what my friend's "unknown tool" was and what it was used for, I was helplessly taken in. Read about the "Master Violet Ray" at www.meridianinstitute.com


Middle Ages Tech Support

To see an interview with one of the makers click here: www.youtube.com The Book caused much mayhem and problems for middle age tech support as do our modern day counterparts. ... humor book scroll norse tech support desk id10t users


วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Technology - Are You In Control, Or Is Your Technology Controlling You?

"I will never again a BlackBerry ..."

Riding in an elevator the other day, I heard this conversation:

First man: "Wow, is that the new BlackBerry?"

Second man: "Yes, I love it."

First man: "I'll never be one of those things. If I do, I will never stop your e-mail."

Herein lies the problem. For some reason, we have changed our workflow to believe that e-mail communication is the most important and highest priority for focusing ourTime. It is as if we are all customer service representatives, whose sole job is to respond to communication by e-mail.

To deal with lots of information about the age of the workers their daily routines as if the best way to achieve their goals is the swift completion of the e-mails. This is just so busy at work, of course. The sampling has shown that less than 20% of all e-mail volume actually feasible. 80% is noise.

Apart from the obvious problem of being busy, but not effective (effective areperform work that will help you achieve your goals) is hyper-responsive is an affront to those who interact with you. For example, take this out of office notice of a very senior corporate officer, "I will be away from my computer for the next two hours. I will answer your e-mail when I return."

I could not believe that I read this message. This manager is training all around her, she is hyper-responsive to the communication by e-mail. CertainlyCorporate America does not have all of us in the customer service representatives via e-mail tool?

As you can imagine, "What's wrong with this approach can - Heads of State and Government will respond quickly." Yes, that's true, but they should also be active and deliberate in their actions - not reactive. Provides e-mail traffic to dictate your focus and use of your time is a very reactive state and, frankly, not good for proactive leadership Bode.

The man whoFear of a BlackBerry actually has another problem to contend with: his personal responsibility for a good choice with the use of time and energy to make to achieve its goals. To blame the technology is an excuse for not accepting responsibility for your own actions.

Here's the solution:

Accept that you are responsible for how you use your time and energy to
Knowing that you have the power to decide to get involved when, with technology
Set limitsTo facilitate access to technology - for e-mail I recommend three visits per day, morning, noon and late afternoon
Turn on the devices when you are with people - people with a higher priority than technology
Concentrate on one thing at a time

Technology was good for our country and our economy. It can be very good for your life if it used properly. The key is to use the technology to serve you, not vice versa. For this you need to deliberateDeciding when to engage, with technology, so that it aids in your performance, what is most important in your life. You own it does not do you have.

Technology, Change And Process Capabilities

Vince Poscente, in his book "The Age of Speed (2008), pointed out that" we have actually more in a given time to do than we could five years ago. Therefore, the expectations are we are producing faster, are also valid. "The idea presented here is instructive to understand but at the same time so well by everyone. No one can argue that the fact that we can do more, faster because of technology. In many cases we buy the latest technological tools for productivity and a increaseProfits. We buy the equipment and then proudly Sit back and wait for the benefits fail to materialize. Unfortunately, more often than not, the production value will remain stagnant or only slightly increased. This causes severe frustration and leadership promote mistrust of the technology, or at least the seller!

If the technique does not work? No, more than likely, the technology to increase the productivity of the situation, while lowering costs, as the sellerpitched. The seller is not selling false solutions. It is likely that your internal processes. You buy new technology to produce faster, but the provision within the limits of the old processes. Every new technology requires a review of existing processes. If you do not harness the potential of technology to transform and make the process to use them, you will essentially eliminate any efficiency.

Processes should be seen as dynamic and able to be amended tomeet the new realities. Let us assume that the current process is allowed only with a production capacity of 10 units completed in one day (orders, widgets or whatever). Technology that you can buy a part of this process in order to double its productivity to 20 units per day . Outside of the part you have problems. A doubling of the workload of the other parts of the process is not possible, it can only be a huge bottleneck, as the rest of the process is designed for only 10 products per day.Sure you better part of the process, doubled it in fact. What helps when there is only a bottleneck in parts of the process still creates focused on doing 10 units per day? No, it just adds cost and frustration.

Knowing that the new technologies can double the production, the rest of the process are investigated. You need the production capacity of the entire process of determining the true costs and benefits of new technologies. You may find that the restof the process, with minor tweaks, it can maintain a production capacity of 15 units per day. While you will have to curtail the technology and to produce only 15 units per day, compared with 20 units per day, there will be no shortages. It aims to increase production by 50%. Not bad for a starter. They had to invest a little more time, but it certainly saved money and produces less stress for everyone involved. The bottom line is, the technology can bring improvements, but without processescapable of using the gained efficiency makes it slightly.

วันพุธที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

MIT Clean Tech/GABA Lecture with Dr. Hermann Scheer

German American Business Association of California, Inc. and the MIT Club of Northern California Clean Technology Program invite you to this joint event. Towards Energy Autonomy New Politics for Renewable Energy. This is also the topic of Hermann Scheer's latest book. Hermann Scheer will discuss how policy models fostering renewable energy can pave the way for energy autonomy. He will also discuss the current trends regarding the upcoming review of the German EEG (feed-in-tariff) which is due ...


วันจันทร์ที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Tech-Smart Mummies?

3800 year-old mummies with Caucasian features in China had technologies that were too advanced for the time. ... explorer china secret mummies tarim caucasian


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Does the Technology Really Matter?

Once the technology is really important in today's world? Basically computer systems just work today, cell phones now work almost anywhere, with our mobile devices, we get all of our office communications now while we're on the road and. The technology does play a role? All the information flowing through cyberspace, through the ether until the copper, it does not matter how it comes to his goal?

For the small business owner who is trying, in a columnEmerging Markets with a breakthrough product, the answer may be a plain old - NO. As a small business if I want to make a call, for example, I simply lift the handset and await a dial tone. Dial my ten or eleven digits and a conversation with my party at the other end. As my voice phone system enters and comes out of the ear piece at the other end is not important to me. The intelligence is about the technology that matters. At the end ofFulfillment of required and desired job is what matters. "The technology itself is necessary to support and strengthen the fulfillment process," says Zak McKracken, a managed services consultant in Australia.

Small business owners turn to the features and benefits compared to the actual technology. We find that an advantage of working from home for about loose ends, it is advantageous if a big selling point to emerging technologies like SSL VPN, where is easilyUse and security are important prerequisites for the overall benefit of working remotely. However, the technology for a very good reputation "user friendly" to have joined them. Small companies do not want complicated that many small steps Business IT Consultant believe is necessary to secure a network for remote access, for example. The technique must be simple and effective, or the small business owner will not invest in them.

The shift in theSMB Consulting Community needs to change. As Dave says Sobel of Evolve Technologies in Washington, DC: "I sell value, not technology." This is what small business owners looking for in today's strong economy. But companies today are still very careful where they will invest their technology dollars. You need a solution that offers everything they need, it has to be affordable and it is "better than expected to work," says Amy Babinchak of HarborComputer Services, Microsoft MVP in security. Solutions must have value are: full benefits and the employers offer a tool to assist it in carrying out their functions and services and will support competitive in the market. Small businesses do not endlessly IT budgets, they need to do more with less. They need reliable solutions that work without paying through the nose for IT support services.

Small business owners are now busy trying to stay one step aheadto fear their competition computer systems. Those efforts have on their systems to make a reassessment of their business when they realize that they only lost a year setting up a server and workstations rather than relying on their range of products on the market. Small business owners who provide their own technology at the end into a trap because they have so much trouble on their own systems that they are trying their real prospect of losing business function.

ITConsultants have been preaching in their communities ", that they should be trusted advisors to their customers," said Doug Geary of GearyTech in Toronto. "If you are in this position, you will find the brand / flavor of the recommendations is mostly meaningless." This is true despite the argument of many IT consultants. To a small business owner, it does not matter whether a server SATA, SCSI or SAS drives, they just need to be able to store their information onensure reliability and above all with zero downtime. We see a lot of specialized technology consultants use their full attention to the data on a server, for example, the RAM is so fast, that means a spin at 15,000 RPM drives and RAID 5-this. " It is not important! If the server you are recommended to support the achievement of its objectives? If the answer is yes, then you have to do your job.

Where did the technology is the matter? It depends on the IT consultant who workson the expansion of the solution. It depends on the people who support it. It is not really important for business owners. You want someone who is reliable, trustworthy and most important have available when they need the team or individual attention. The current owner is a lot of confidence in IT companies for them with a solution that would meet your needs and then they will be able to take care of it, and if they are not around on the street for some reasonsomeone else needs to support in every step it without modification or going through a big learning curve.

The real technology issues only to the IT companies. They are the ones who get to it to keep it inside and out, they are the ones that remain in order in advance of the technology curve and have the option to their customers when new solutions are available to the entrepreneurs, the life easier and / or inform profitable.

So, what is important that the businessOwner? It has only work if they need it, always. Advantage in their businesses are very important features and "nice to haves" from around him. Business owners such as mainstream, well-known solutions. They want what their colleagues because they saw him at the gym, have lunch or on the golf course. When they ask, is it because they saw their colleagues with him, and perhaps it is a solution that his or her friend working from home three afternoons a week, or go to a school event and allowsmore information from the industry come to them when they are outside of the office. It is not the job of IT consultant in order to discourage the technology, it is the job of the consultant to embrace it and provide it. I often see business go elsewhere because the company ill-equipped to adapt to the changing needs of the customer or request, and the competitor could.

วันเสาร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

New Inventions

Have you ever thought about creating ideas for new innovations or new invention? The simplest method is that if you have a product, then the basic ideas of the product and the use of these ideas into new areas to understand. Ie, evaluate that product and its technology from top to base. If you deeper and deeper you can find out more information, that received about the invention.

New Inventions held in all areas. Whatever the things here in the world in every minute a newsInvention or new technology developed. Now a day is all automatic. For example, washing machines, cars, locking system, TV sleep system. In washing machines can we limit the time when he reaches the time limit will automatically stop. Same as in TV, we can adjust the sleep time, and disable or turn off the TV when we want.

The best example of the new invention or technology is to use the mobile we all. How fast the technology is developed.I think mobile is the best example of technological development. In every day a new technology, mobile is the introduction into the markets.

The best example is the other computers and monitors. We can see the monitor change from our old model to the new LCD monitors. They are equipped with less power than the old and more and more comfort to our eyes, the other change is the PC to the laptop. Thus we can see the hand of the new invention in all fields such as gifts, gadgets, electronic mediaoverall.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Control a computer with only your brain

Awesome technology.... Instead of spending myraids of money on nuclear weapons or war. If they spend money on technologies like this then just imagine how helpful these kind of things can be to mankind. ... computer technology brain


Web 2.0 Expo NY: Clay Shirky (shirky.com) It's Not Information Overload. It's Filter Failure.

It's Not Information Overload. It's Filter Failure. ... web2expo web2expony oreilly media techweb


วันอังคารที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Force.com...The Platform is a Service

See the past, present and future of technology. Force.com is the new platform that will change how companies build, deploy and manage business applications. Salesforce.com is changing business computing. Again. **Inspired by a video by Michael Wesch. ... salesforce.com Salesforce force.com saas paas platform web computers technology


Timbaland - Give It To Me OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO

Timbaland - Give It To Me OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO featuring Justin Timberlake and Nelly Furtado Album in stores April 2007!! www.timbalandmusic.com ... Timbaland Nelly Furtado Justin Timberlake Give It To Me Shock Value Interscope Beat Club


วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Jennifer 8. Lee: Who was General Tso? and other mysteries of

Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Watch the Top 10 TEDTalks on TED.com, at http ... Jennifer 8. Lee TED TEDTalks talks Culture Exploration Food Global Issues History ...


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

History of the Internet

Benutzern zu teilen. Am 4. Oktober 1957, während des Kalten Krieges, schießt die Sowjetunion den ersten unbemannten Satelliten, Sputnik 1, in den Orbit. Die Angst vor einer "Missile Gap" [Raktenlücke] wuchs. In order to secure America's lead technology, Um die technologische Führung Amerikas sichern gründen die Vereinigten Staaten, im Februar 1958, die "Defense Advanced Research Project Agency". Zu dieser Zeit wurde das Wissen nur über Personen transferiert. Die DARPA plante ein groß ...


วันศุกร์ที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Information Technology Enhances Productivity

The world is so dependent on technology today announced that it has become an expected component in our daily lives. We're on it at home, at school and at work. The use of technology in the office has become commonplace.

From the fax machine, over the telephone, printer, copier machine, the computer and the Internet, the technology is improving productivity, educators and students everywhere. It has spread to such an extent that most offices today would no longer operate effectively without it.

The most commonly used forms of technology are the computer and the Internet. We use them instead of the phone to send e-mails. They are required to quickly copies of documents, but send it with a fax machine or copier, and hand it to our employees. The combination of the computer and the Internet allows individuals to fax documents, and even phone calls. Skype is a perfect example of this> Technology.

Access to information technology has become globally a necessity for prosperity and economic development. Underdeveloped countries are increasingly equipped with computers and Internet access so that they communicate with the rest of the world and strengthen their economies.

Were many years ago, when computers will be introduced to society, people were worried that they would have a dehumanizing effect. To a certain extent,may be true, because we often communicate via e-mail in the office instead of calling or visiting our co-workers down to the next floor, or even the passage, but the positives outweigh the negatives. With the ability to stock and process information quickly and effectively to meet thorough research, could most of us ask how companies ever managed without the existence of the computer and the Internet.

The BlackBerry handheld and other time-saving devices to bring comfort and added:increased productivity for professionals whose work extends beyond the office.

So many other forms of technology there, with which professionals of all educational backgrounds and qualified products and services that would otherwise be impossible to produce.

It was noted that an estimated 40 percent of U.S. growth from 1995 to 2002 is credited to the existence of information was. Computers and the Internet give a voice to all thosehas access to them and the number is growing by leaps and bounds.

วันพุธที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Coming World War III, NWO Mafia Martial Law Ready & Waiting, David Icke

keiser bob chapman 911 NWO Illuminati reptilian agenda alex jones savage lou dobbs economic collapse crisis depression prophecy American Militia Resistance Revolution Revolt AlexJones NewWorldOrder Illuminati NWO Skull and Bones Bush Conspiracy The Civilians Military Bilderberg CFR Jordan Maxwell Loose Change End Game Terrorstorm Patriot Act HR 1955 inside job truth iraq war JohnKuhles WhyNotNews.eu ExomatrixTV There are prophecies and oracles from around the world that all seem to point ...


How to Transfer and Backup iPod Data to PC?

A very great author has said "Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life". Music has the fascination to soothe the savage beast. Nowadays the medium of music has been changed. Earlier people were likely to use tape recorders or radio for listening songs. But nowadays iPods have taken their places.

These iPods are designed and marketed by Apple Inc. It can play many audio file formats like WAV, MP3, AAC, AIFF etc. It also stores videos, images, photos. But what if you lose your iPod songs, videos and other important data of your iPod? Would you lose your music collection? Well...you don't need to get pissed off. If you make the backup of your iPod data then you can again get access to your lost music or other important data of your iPod.

With the assist of iPod backup software an exact copy of your iPod data will be save on your computer. So, from next time whenever you come in a circumstances of losing your iPod data because of any reason like of corruption, virus attack or when you have send your iPod for repairing then you can effortlessly put back you're your lost data again on your iPod .

Losing favorite music and videos is a very bad situation for any music lover person. Therefore to overcome this very hassle you need to opt for iPod file transfer software to make a backup of iPod data. This iPod file transfer software easily and efficiently copies and transfers all data of your iPod to your PC. It is easy and secure to use and works well with all iPod models like ipod nano, ipod shuffle and ipod touch. This tool a uto detects iPod and demonstrates all the info and finds the duplicate songs and deletes them.

You can also download the software from online freely but for the full version you will have to buy out the software. The cost price of the tool is about right. Just have a try of this software and make a back up copy of your iPod data. Have a try!

Rosy Disuza is well experienced in writing articles related with the computer and technology. This present article is about iPod backup to give you info about how to backup iPod data to computer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rosy_Disuza

วันอังคารที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Technology Can Bring Us Together - And Increase Sales

Too often companies look at using technology as a way of transcending the barriers between customers and employees. In fact, concepts such as call buying often avoidance as a justification for the information technology systems which are designed to customer information is done to a live, expensive call to a person not be guaranteed.

This approach lacks a crucial factor in today's hyper-competitive market: repeat business is king. With more and more competitive struggle for scarceCustomer business, the cost of customer acquisition. Think of customer acquisition costs as the amount of money it takes to marketing and sales, the prospect that the first purchase will receive. With increasing competition, increasing that amount as it takes more effort to distinguish themselves in the crowd.

In fact, in many industries, companies accept that they will lose money for the first purchase, in the hope that you make it on repeat business. This is possible becauseusually much cheaper to make a sale with a current customer than with a new perspective. In fact, investing some very successful businesses in the customer acquisition and do not expect a profit for a customer only after several purchases to make.

So, what is the lesson? The first interaction is crucial - it is the key to the follow-ups. And support in this day of online sales and self-service customers, there is a risk that your customer is not happy and you will not even knowit.

We can arrange a lesson by Tony Hseil, CEO of online retailer Zappos.com. He has rapidly grown the company to over $ 1 billion sales by exceptional customer service. While other retailers give practical strategies to avoid the 1-800 number on the Zappos is on top of each page and customer service agents are not measured, how many calls they handle per hour. Viewed Every interaction with customers as a way to encourage loyalty to repeat - that means more sales and profits.

MaybeYou are a seller of a company without charges to implement major technology products, or you are a small business owner who does not have in reality, the budget for hundreds of customer service reps like Zappos (at least not yet!). Regardless of your location, size or location, technology can help by providing tools to make you closer to the customers but not too hard on your budget and time.

In the last few years, here at Engage, we haveimplemented several Internet technologies that have helped to get closer to our customers. They were not particularly expensive or difficult to implement. And in all cases - they helped us win new customers and keep current customers loyal.

Live Chat

Can you imagine going to buy into a traditional business, find something and it is absolutely nobody there to interest you? That is what the outlook will make when they go to a website. With live chat, the visitorproactively offered the opportunity to work with a real person in a pop-up chat window that works like your favorite instant messenger software.

Whether it is answering a question about the offer, or simply a sales pitch that translated pro-active role at any site visitors directly into sales and satisfied customers in our business.

Web Conferencing

Many of us are using telephone conference calls with our prospects and customers. WebConferencing takes interaction to a higher level, allowing participants to see you, including slide shows and video. People are simply more interested if they can hear, see and read your key messages.

What makes this option particularly attractive offer for all companies is a significant reduction in the cost of using these services in the last few years. This makes it very affordable to more intimate interaction with each call to offer. Or even better: Web Conferencingcan be implemented enterprise-wide or just for themselves.


This may seem like a clear and simple, but how well you know your prospects? Many organizations offer their site visitors the opportunity to sign up for a newsletter or report for free. Name and e-mail address will be recorded, but usually that's it. With the expansion of this interaction with a few more questions - such as job title and the largest business-Pain - You now have information thatsignificantly increase the effectiveness of your current marketing and sales efforts.

The adjustment is the follow-on, the personalization of the interaction for the prospect - a safe way to increase effectiveness. And here's a tip: Ask these questions on a second screen after recording the first known contact info - it will maximize your application rate.


It is an industry standard metric for each month you are not in contact with your prospect base, you lose 10% of thethem forever. Keep regular contact these prospects so warm when they are ready to buy - you will be there. And regular contacts will allow you to existing customers will be encouraged to ensure that they are happy and not with the subjects to be treated.

You probably do not have the time to craft individual e-mails and letters to all prospective clients each month. That's where an autoresponder into the game, you can even design personalized correspondence in advance and have it automaticallyGo to the whole database on a predetermined schedule or in response to specific actions (eg, purchase the product). Keep the communication going, which translates into sales and customer satisfaction.

These are only focused on a sample of Internet tools. There are many more out there for all parts of your business. The key lies in your thinking and look at these tools as a way to change closer to your customers. They are more sales, more customers will be rewardedLoyalty and profits that will pay more than your investment.

Copyright 2009, Engage Selling. You have permission to use the above article in your newsletter, publication or e-mail, as long as you can not list the contents and leave the links and resource box intact to use.

วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Quickly Transfer Music to Iphone From Ipod, and the Reverse is Also Possible

iPods are devices meant for listening to songs and watching movies, on the other hand we have iPhones which in addition to above facilities can be used for internet browsing, chatting, making calls, sending emails and SMS. So why not use iPhone instead of iPod? iPhones are now widely used owing to its multifunctional utility. And with this view arose the need of software that has the capability of copying contents from iPhone to iPod as well as systems. The outcome came as iPod to iPhone transfer.

IPod to iPhone transfer is the software capable of transferring music and videos from iPod to iPhone and vice versa without harming previous contents of the device. Use can use this software for transferring music between iPod/ iPhone/ iPod touch.

Features of iPod to iPhone transfer:

• Trouble free, instant transfer mechanism is followed
• Offers an intuitive interface for moving data
• Shows preview of songs and movies which is to be transmitted
• Allows transfer of entire play list
• Process of transfer becomes easy with drag and drop feature
• Grants searching and filtering capability on the basis of artists and albums
• It's smart enough to detect song missing from iPhone and copies only those which were missing from iphone
• Supports numerous audio and video file formats
• Allows sharing of play lists between users and over network
• Compatible with all iPods and iPhones models
• Allows transfer to multiple iPods from a iPhone at a particular time
• IPod songs can be saved in external drives or within the system, which can be used for backing up files on to the system if required
• Frequent updating is done to make it compatible with newly introduced iPod touch and iPhone 3G

System requirements of iPod to iPhone transfer tool includes-
• Windows OS such as windows vista, XP or windows 2000, 2003
• Preferred RAM capacity is 256 MB
• Pentium processors and it must have more than 1 USB port/slot

In short, software IPod to iphone transfer has the capability of moving data from iPod, iPhone to computer and iTunes.

The above article has been written by Bipsa, a webmaster who is skilled in writing on technical topics as she is having a in-depth knowledge on such topics. This very article on transfer from iPod to iPhone will lead you to a right decision.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bipsa_Rawat

Bonnie Bassler: The secret, social lives of bacteria

on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Watch the Top 10 TEDTalks on TED.com, at www.ted.com ... Bonnie Bassler TEDTalks TED talks bacteria language chemical esperanto ...


วันเสาร์ที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Disruptive Technology

Disruptive technology makes Internet Superstar possible. Those who can write and market have become millionaires online. An example of this breakthrough technology is what is found in Web pages or the online bookstore. You have heard of Amazon.com, and other types of breakthrough technologies. Here we will discuss inexpensive launch services, have created the Internet millionaires. No longer a need to be released (or a company with a large company for theSale matter) their books. Well, if you have Acrobat or Adobe software, an eBook, you can publish your writings, without cost to the author.

For example, an author can publish their works and sell them with little effort. You can sell on their website or on eBay. Instead I receive 8% of revenues with publishers, authors can write now and I have on my site for 100% profit. That has never happened before.

Here are some pros and cons of the InternetPublishing.


1. No fee / low startup costs

2. Inexpensive Marketing

a. Write articles in newsgroups and ezines

b. Review books on Amazon.com and in other areas (using name and website in profile)

c. Open Google AdWords

2. WebPages are cost

3. Open Ebay Store and other accounts to sell your book

4. No need to buy or rent homes

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Disruptive technologies offer greatWays to make money with little start-up costs. Some successful infoprenuers as those books online, or practice on-line membership earn income of sophisticated methods to sell. As computer technology increases, we see new forms of business models springing up. In the future more people will earn income selling intangible products and services.

The Advantage of Using Automated Alerts

Automated alerts are a component of every good system monitoring plan. They work by notifying the user or system administrator when the IT network, server, or hardware device encounters a problem. Unlike self-directed maintenance, automated alerts do almost all of the hard work for you so you can keep your focus on the business you do best.

Boundaries and Thresholds in Automated Alerts

Most automated alerts are designed to work within your company's specifications. For example, you or your IT consultant can determine when each aspect of your system has reached a point where it might need attention. Like a personal assistant, who is expected to keep track of appointments and offer gentle reminders when one is upcoming, automated alerts can be set to provide an array of warnings, ranging from mild threat to something that needs immediate attention.

The great thing about automated alerts is that you get to set your boundaries and thresholds. Whether you purchase ready-made software or have scripts designed for your particular IT system, the primary purpose is to customize the entire process. For example, if your productivity is limited when your Internet connection slows by as little as 5 percent, it's in your best interest to know when that threshold is being reached, even if other companies may never even notice the difference.

Save Time and Money with Automated Alerts

Automated alerts are about more than designing your own specifications, however. Almost all automated programs are meant to cost less and make life easier. Consider smoke alarms, which are some of the most common and simple automated alerts in the world. Designed to detect smoke and alert a house's inhabitants of the possibility of fire, they save people from essentially having someone on watch 24 hours a day to ensure that no one is in danger of being consumed by flames.

While this example is a little extreme, the basic issue is not: having something in the background to look out for potential dangers frees you up to live your life and run your business worry free. By being aware of the threats that may jeopardize your daily operations, you can streamline everything to run smoothly and productively.

Choosing the Right Monitoring System

Although almost all monitoring systems come with some sort of automated alert option, it's important to find a program that can be customized specifically for you and your organization. If you aren't able to set up the alerts on your own or if you cannot address the issues once they do arise you should work with an IT consultant or firm that can receive the alerts at the same time as you and get directly to the root of the problem once they do occur. In this way, you can get the most out of your system and get back to the work you do best.

Daniel Gottilla senior consultant at Guidance Consulting, Inc. has been delivering profitable technology results to everything from small, private firms to Fortune 500 companies. Get more information:

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Gottilla

วันศุกร์ที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Is Renewable Energy Technology the Way to Go Forward?

It seems a lot of confusion between the renewable energy technologies and alternative energy technology. Alternative energy refers to any form of usable energy that can replace the energy in fuels. Alternative energy is usually without any negative or adverse consequences to be seen with fuel to provide energy sources. Renewable energy technology is something where energy is continuously updated as you use it. For example, solar power generator andWind turbines.

It is a fact that fossil fuels will not last too long. Realizing this and getting ready for the future energy needs of the grip is the right strategy to adopt. And renewable energy technologies offers several ways to do this with a little upfront investment and ongoing maintenance of very little. With the prices of silicon wafers covered continuously electronic components and devices will still only get cheaper.

Also, the information officerand videos that come along with this guide makes the process of building your own renewable energy technology based projects extremely easy and simple. These guides cover everything such as design, procurement of parts, parts lists, assembly and installation. Even a novice can to build a solar energy or wind energy system without spending much money larges.

As the technologies for renewable energy resources available, which is based by nature, you have notthere should be restrictions on availability. And do not pollute the majority of the projects based on these technologies, the environment and they do not produce any green house gases as well.

But before you start a new project, it is important to do a few things to correct. First, the elevation of the place you live, to ensure that the renewable resources like solar, wind or hydroelectric power that can have the project drive. Second, you need to calculate your energy needs and buy accordinglyComponents and devices that can help you the correct amount of energy. The third factor is to decide how you want to mix and match technologies for renewable energy with some of the other energy technologies on fossil fuels.

Over a period of time, you can provide scale-up of renewable energy technology based projects, more energy and reduce your dependence on fossil fuel based technologies.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

50 Cent AYO Technology feat Justin Timberlake MUSIC VIDEO

50 Cent AYO Technology feat Justin Timberlake & Timbaland MUSIC VIDEO www.50cent.com


7 Easy Steps to Create an Excel Macro

What is a Macro?

Simply put, a Macro is a series of steps to accomplish a task which can be recorded and then reused in the future.

For example: Let's say you have many steps that you use to create a report each month for your boss. Each month you may have the same spreadsheet, but with the current month's figures. Each month you setup the same Sums, Formulas, Text Formatting, Pivot Table, and maybe more. This could be very time consuming if you completed these steps individually each month.

However, with a Macro, you can record the steps you complete each month. Once recorded, you setup a Shortcut Key to repeat these steps whenever you wish. This, simply put, is a Macro.

Macros are not unique to Excel, but for this instruction, we will use Excel as the example.

Recording a Macro involves following these steps:

1) Plan the keystrokes needed to complete the tasks (in our example above, it is the monthly formulas, text formatting, etc needed to create our report)

2) Click Tools | Macros | Record New Macro

3) Assign a Name for the Macro

4) Assign a Shortcut Key for the Macro

5) Click OK

6) Perform the steps needed to create your report (the steps you complete each month, which includes formulas, text formatting, etc)

7) Click on the Stop button on the Macro Toolbar to stop recording and Save the Macro

Now that the Macro has been created, you may want to test the Macro to confirm it completes all of the necessary steps that you wanted recorded.

Once you have tested, you are now ready to use the Macro each month when you are ready to create your report. Macros can help you accomplish tasks quickly and efficiently through this automated recording process.

To run the Macro, open the Excel spreadsheet you wish, and simply type the Shortcut Key you setup when you created the Macro. Depending on the number of steps in the Macro, you may see Excel performing these steps, but quicker than you would have been able to on your own. Once the Macro has run, you will see the completed steps that were performed.

Debbie McCusker, GoAskDebbie.com



Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Debbie_McCusker

วันพุธที่ 2 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

New Car Technology Advancements

Car technology advances at an incredible speed, so it's no surprise that at least some cool stuff in turn, each model year. Here are some of the latest innovations that come out sometime in the near future to allow the new car buyers are looking forward to your visit.

Economy Mode

Although we believe that most of us drivers are set in their ways and rates, we will never save the necessary modifications to the fuel. An example would be those that we know that simply did notwith our AC increases our fuel, when we go rather than just our windows rolled down, if we were able to fuel, we decided to use the air conditioner to save us cool. We are simply set in our ways when it comes to running our AC, even if we could just as easily this time with a window down. With the new idea and innovation in economy mode will determine the vehicle in a position to which systems in cars are not essential at the time and turn it off to save fuel forthe driver; Examples could be the AC, cruise control, and others. The car would start, this adjustment for the driver automatically. It is not just an idea, in fact, some hybrids feature an economy mode, the A / C to be used on multiple models limits right now.

Black Box Technology

Planes and cars have to have them and why not the black box logged in aircraft literally invaluable for many years with his ability to detail a record of travel and what happens to a GET --Aircraft during flight or in accidents. It is still like most things, privacy, and many people come, will undoubtedly be against the idea of "will discuss black box" put into their personal vehicles. The fact is that both Ford and General Motors are already familiar with black box technology in approximately two thirds of the built models, but they are "called" recorders. The driver can be expected to promote this "recorder" can report to policeOfficers and insurance companies regarding car accidents, how fast they drove, where you were that day and much more.

Cars, the parking for you

Yes, do a car that is in fact, the parking is already in production. There is already a kind of system in which the driver keeps his foot on the brake while the car amazingly parallel parks it's self. His future looks bright, as this kind of application could prove very useful in the future, not only in the parking lot, but alsoin other tight places such as garages.

Leave the car driving

It is no longer just a dream or something we saw in the cinema, with the development of GPS and robotic technology to your car on auto-pilot when the car navigation system leads to its destination while the driver leans back and relax will become a reality sooner than many people could imagine. Experimentation and planning is underway with the use of magnets and GPS to make this dream aReality.

Crash Detection

There is already a reality, with the Acura RL and is also known as Collision Mitigation System. We hope that one day all cars have this type of security feature. Where the cars decides on its own that a wreck is inevitable, and warn the driver to brace impact as it will automatically measure the driver through the use of the air bag hit the brakes and tightens the seat belts, etc. all their own.

The near future is indeed an excitingTime.

Dennis runs Car Dealer Check which has reviews on Florida car dealerships car dealerships Including Orlando.

วันอังคารที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

US and Japan in the Tech Mix

The glittering electronics displays in Tokyo's Akihabara district provides the backdrop to one of the world's most highly evolved technology sectors. The massive logos of Sony, Fujitsu, and a legion of other Japanese tech companies are displayed colorfully across the city streets. This is the imagery that many Americans have become accustomed to when picturing Japan from the outside. They think of the high-tech world that the Japanese are famous for, constantly innovating in both practical and un-conventional arenas.

Today, as the global economy further intertwines, the US and Japanese technology sectors have become curiously symbiotic. We often see new technologies hitting the Japanese market first, and if successful, making its way to American consumers. U.S. software and hardware also often finds its way into Akihabara storefront displays after a successful domestic debut. Although this two-way tech channel often works out in the favor of both markets, it sometimes proves difficult for each country's technology to penetrate the complex cultural and economic barriers.

I'd like to take an opportunity to examine several recent examples of successful and unsuccessful cross-pollination between the Japanese and American technology industries. If I leave anything out, feel free to chirp in with your own comments!

Prius: The Toyota Prius provides an incredible story of a product that perhaps will end up doing better in a foreign market than it did in its originator country. Especially in California and the tech-hotbed of Silicon Valley, the Prius has become a symbol of Eco-conscious living, cutting edge technology and youthful thinking.

Just take a drive to Google's Mountain View campus, where dozens of Prius cars are plugged into designated 'charge' spots. Even Sergey Brin, one of the search giant's founders, drives a Prius. This is an example of a technology making the overseas transition with fluidity and efficiency.

iPhone: The iPhone is a prime example of a genius product that has sold like hotcakes in the US and Europe, but failed to crack the Japanese market. Many attribute the iPhone's poor sales to the Japanese consumer's selectivity in mobile phone choice.

Japan is often pushing the mobile boundaries with high-tech video and voice features that the iPhone lacks. The iPhone also is a high-price monthly option compared to many of the other Japanese carriers.

Facebook: Facebook is example of something lost in translation between Silicon Valley and Tokyo. Japan's most popular social network remains Mixi, which holds over 80% of Japanese social network users. Although Facebook was able to gain a large portion of European users, Japanese social networkers remain loyal to similar previously standing sites.

There are a number of complex cultural differences that also make Facebook a bad option for Japanese users. For example, many Japanese prefer to register an online account under a pseudonym or nick-name, rather than a real first and last name as Facebook requires.

Cisco Hardware: Cisco Systems, the Silicon Valley network hardware giant, has made leaps and bounds in providing network infrastructure solutions for Japanese companies. Over the past several years, Cisco has steadily been expanding in the Japanese high tech arenas through video collaboration and unified computing solutions. Japanese companies are fast adopting Cisco's new 'Solution-Centric' distribution model that will accelerate their ability for network use through integrated cisco hardware.

If Cisco continues on its current path in Japan, it will definitely prove to be a US - Japanese technology.

used cisco hardware

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Darwin_Redshield