Vince Poscente, in his book "The Age of Speed (2008), pointed out that" we have actually more in a given time to do than we could five years ago. Therefore, the expectations are we are producing faster, are also valid. "The idea presented here is instructive to understand but at the same time so well by everyone. No one can argue that the fact that we can do more, faster because of technology. In many cases we buy the latest technological tools for productivity and a increaseProfits. We buy the equipment and then proudly Sit back and wait for the benefits fail to materialize. Unfortunately, more often than not, the production value will remain stagnant or only slightly increased. This causes severe frustration and leadership promote mistrust of the technology, or at least the seller!
If the technique does not work? No, more than likely, the technology to increase the productivity of the situation, while lowering costs, as the sellerpitched. The seller is not selling false solutions. It is likely that your internal processes. You buy new technology to produce faster, but the provision within the limits of the old processes. Every new technology requires a review of existing processes. If you do not harness the potential of technology to transform and make the process to use them, you will essentially eliminate any efficiency.
Processes should be seen as dynamic and able to be amended tomeet the new realities. Let us assume that the current process is allowed only with a production capacity of 10 units completed in one day (orders, widgets or whatever). Technology that you can buy a part of this process in order to double its productivity to 20 units per day . Outside of the part you have problems. A doubling of the workload of the other parts of the process is not possible, it can only be a huge bottleneck, as the rest of the process is designed for only 10 products per day.Sure you better part of the process, doubled it in fact. What helps when there is only a bottleneck in parts of the process still creates focused on doing 10 units per day? No, it just adds cost and frustration.
Knowing that the new technologies can double the production, the rest of the process are investigated. You need the production capacity of the entire process of determining the true costs and benefits of new technologies. You may find that the restof the process, with minor tweaks, it can maintain a production capacity of 15 units per day. While you will have to curtail the technology and to produce only 15 units per day, compared with 20 units per day, there will be no shortages. It aims to increase production by 50%. Not bad for a starter. They had to invest a little more time, but it certainly saved money and produces less stress for everyone involved. The bottom line is, the technology can bring improvements, but without processescapable of using the gained efficiency makes it slightly.