With the recent explosion of oil and gas prices are no longer ask analysts whether coal prices will catch up, but when. There are still many opponents to coal, especially environmentalists, and the term "clean coal" is a contradiction for most people.
However, since the demand for coal, the development of "clean coal" is technology, environmentally sound uses of coal. Like in a New York Times, "said [e] nvironmentalists are concerned, butThey place their trust in a technology before burning gasified coal. Such systems are designed, they say, to be more adaptable to the separation of carbon capture and geological storage. "
With China now demanding more coal than it can produce and India to the right rear, and plug-in hybrid cars mainstream direction in the U.S. due to outrageous gas prices, coal will go to a very hot commodity. "Within the next few years to build, energy companies plan to about 150 coalPlants to meet growing electricity consumption.
In another New York Times, "[m], the most important companies in mind the possibility of a profitable new business, and GE signed a partnership with Schlumberger on Wednesday to advance, the Oil Field Services Company, the technology of carbon capture and storage."
Be called with the U.S. system, Saudi Arabia of coal reserves, with most every other nation, and coal, a "substantial part of the energy for the future," it isonly a matter of time until the charcoal begins to rally.
Some coal stocks are considered, ACI, BTU, YZC, CNM, and the Exchange Traded Fund KOL.