วันเสาร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Technology Learning Conquered Traditional Learning in Schools

Computers in schools. Whether in the laboratories, the library, in the mobile portions, or in individual classrooms, the computer provides. But what will it take to ensure that these computers are used as high-quality materials?

Today's high-tech innovations will have little impact on education if the schools accept, without building "human infrastructure" that adequate training for teachers includes promulgated, the Benton Foundation in its latest report, The LearningConnection. Schools in the Information Age. So just what is "adequate training" for teachers?

After more than 10 years ago by Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow research, integrate technology effectively in education, teachers need to learn not only how to use a computer, but in particular, how is the computer, use for teaching and learning. At the same time the learning experiences that are created by these teachers must be reviewed, such as technological changes in both what is possiblein the classroom, as well as what is required of students when they graduated and working life.

In 1991, the U.S. Department of Labor has issued What work requires of schools, a SCANS Report for America 2000, the Secretary of the Commission on achieving necessary skills, abilities and attributes essential for workforce success. To the traditional basic skills of literacy and numeracy, has considered the report and hearing and speech-making and problem-solvingSolution. In addition to organizing these basic skills to recognize the report as important to the ability to location, schedule, and resources to acquire, evaluate and organize information and collaborate well with others to understand complex relationships between work and with a variety of technologies .

Not only must educators learn to use a computer, but they must learn to integrate them into the learning experience in a way that the development of this higher order skill set. In manyCases requires fundamental changes in teaching practice. Seating students in rows and having them complete drilling and exercises, whether on the computer or on a side ditto is unlikely that the ambitious goals implied by the scan report.

The vast majority of technology staff development will focus on learning how to use custom software applications. Educators, this type of application training report that it is not seenhave a significant impact on the use of technology as teaching in her. That is not to translate learning about the application itself in changing classroom practice, and thus get little or no impact on the students.

When learning about the technology firmly rooted in the doctrine, but the results are very promising. With the help of a technology staff development model as a result of more than 10 years of research produced through the AppleClassrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT), are many school districts to see what happens when teachers are able to transfer their learning from the experience in staff development to classroom practice.

To have a significant impact on classroom practices and effective technology integration, schools and communities need to make a significant investment in a coordinated approach to staff development as the model on the ACOT research. Real change requires providing educatorssequenced with a program of quality staff development experiences, along with follow-up and ongoing administrative support.

In Fulton County, Georgia, where she for the second year of their technology staff development program will be based on the ACOT model, avant-garde team of teachers serve as mentors in their schools to follow the provision of a model of effective technology integration for other teachers. In the first year of the program, this vanguard teachersoffered at four or six days of technology integration training through Apple employee development.

During the two-day training enriches the advance team members are experienced firsthand what it is to deal in an integrated teaching with technology, while the mediators, of course, an effective way of teaching models in technology, engaged learning environment. IT skills acquired in linked. Learners (in thisWhen the teachers in the staff development course, but it could just as easily been a group of students) were highly motivated to complete technical skills to their projects and the relevance of the technology was learning to learn immediately clear.

Based on the experience of participating in an effective lesson against the vanguard of team members, what they had learned and how their findings on the development of integrated teaching of their own application. On thesecond day they were given the opportunity to redesign a popular lesson, the integration of technologies. After returning to their classrooms where these redesigned units, a first opportunity to experience the integration of technology in teaching. Finding out about the effectiveness of this new way of teaching, followed by the reorganization of existing units.

During the first years of the program, these were the vanguard team members always comfortablewith the integration of technology into their own classes and prepared to serve as role models for other teachers. Is now in its second year of the program, Fulton County, both avant-garde expanded its team by training on the integration of additional teachers, while simultaneously sharing the authorization of the avant-trained teachers to what they have learned with their colleagues.

This seeding approach, with at least two teachers in each school who can act as mentors to their colleagues on the ground, in the past, motivation of teachers to take the risk and the personal investment is needed to effectively integrate technology into their teaching.

The CEO Forum on Education and Technology's Star Chart will target a "technology" level for all schools to use regularly for the students and consistent access to technology as needed to would support their learning efforts, and have educators with> Technology to access information, communicate with students and parents as well as for administrative tasks. They urge all schools to achieve this level until 2005.

We will not be there, simply by getting computers into schools, or by training teachers how to use software applications. True technology integration requires the support and training educators to integrate teaching models, effective the technique. It assumes that teachersprofessional development programs in which they can experience effective use of technology in the service of teaching and learning, and that they change the necessary support to their own teaching methods in order to replicate these models. After analyzing the majority of teachers gather their students with technology, and to publish information and collaborate on projects, we will know that with the technology that is really a tool for teaching and learning. At this point,are using the technology the opportunity for our students is prepared to become a successful knowledge workers of the future.
