วันจันทร์ที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

IPv6 (Cisco) Training - Using the "dns-server and Domain-name (IPv6)" Commands

Well, since this article is sort of lengthy I'm going to get right down to it; so without far ado let's begin.

The "dns-server" (IPv6) command, is a Cisco IOS "DHCP for IPv6 pool configuration" mode command that is used to specify the Domain Name System (DNS) IPv6 server(s) available on a network.

Below is the correct syntax and example of the "dns-server" (IPv6) command:

Syntax: router(config-dhcp)#dns-server ipv6-address
Example: router(config-dhcp)#dns-server 2001:0DC8:3000:3000::42

Notice, that the router's prompt is in "DHCP for IPv6 pool configuration" mode and the ipv6 address argument is the IPv6 address of the available DNS server.

Now, just in case if you were wondering; you can use (configure) the "dns-server" (IPv6) command multiple times on a router, if you have multiple DNS servers on your network. And, the new ipv6 addresses will not erase (overwrite) the existing (previous) ipv6 addresses.

Also, if you need to remove a specific DNS server from the DNS server list; all you need to do is type the word "no" in front of the command like you see below:

Syntax: router(config-dhcp)#no dns-server ipv6-address
Example: router(config-dhcp)#no dns-server 2001:0DC8:3000:3000::42

Ok, that pretty much sums up the "dns-server" (IPv6) command; so, let's move on to the "domain-name" (IPv6) command.

The "domain-name" (IPv6) command, is also a Cisco IOS "DHCP for IPv6 pool configuration" mode command; but it's used to configure a domain name for a DHCP for IPv6 client, which is also known as a Requesting Router or RR.

Below is the correct syntax and example of the "domain-name" (IPv6) command:

Syntax: router(config-dhcp)#domain-name domain
Example: router(config-dhcp)#domain-name ittechtips.com

Notice, that the router's prompt is once again in "DHCP for IPv6 pool configuration" mode and the domain argument is specifying the domain name to be used by the client. So, in the example above the router (client) is going to use the domain name ittechtips.com.

And, just like the "dns-server" (IPv6) command; the "domain-name" (IPv6) command can be used (configured) multiple times on a router. And, the new domain names will not erase (overwrite) the existing domain names.

Lastly, if you need to remove a domain name from a DHCPv6 client (RR); you must type the word "no" in front of the "domain-name" (IPv6) command like you see below:

Syntax: router(config-dhcp)#no domain-name domain
Example: router(config-dhcp)#no domain-name ittechtips.com

I hope this article was very informative and helped you quickly understand the usage of the "dns-server and domain-name" (IPv6) Commands. If you need to learn more; I suggest you visit my website, were you'll find the latest information regarding Cisco IPv6 Design and Implementation Techniques.

To your success,

Charles Ross, CCNP #CSCO10444244 is the owner of Ittechtips.com; where you'll find free comprehensive information and videos about IPv6 technology and how it works with Cisco Systems technology.

Sign-Up for "18 Free Videos" that will teach you IPv6 Address Representation In Under 10 Minutes! And, also learn more about the new "Cisco IPv6 Video Accelerated Training Course" at his website. http://www.ciscoipv6ittechtips.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charles_E_Ross
