Clear out your files. Check your TEMP and RECENT folders for files to delete. Clear your cache and empty your trash can.
Run ScanDisk. ScanDisk is in your System Tools folder under Accessories in most Windows versions. The Mac's equivalent program is DiskFirstAid.
Defragment your hard drive. This will make your computer faster and more stable.
Update your virus program. Go into your program and look for an Update application. If you can't find it, go to the company website for the latest version.
Update your software. On both PC's and Macs, there are security holes in the operating systems that hackers can use to access your files. Download software updates whenever they're available to fix these.
Clean your screen. Mix water with a little white vinegar or isopropyl alcohol, and dampen (don't soak) a soft, lint-free cotton cloth. Gently wipe the cloth in a single direction across the screen.
Back up your data. Not necessarily a maintenance issue, but something you should get in the habit of doing regularly. If something goes wrong on your computer, you could lose everything (important files and documents, programs, and crucial personal information). So it's essential that you back up your files - on a separate disc or hard drive.
You'll need to perform a few regular maintenance tasks on your computer to keep it safe, secure, and healthy. Follow these tips, and you'll notice an improvement.
C.Smith is sales director for a Leicestershire based IT and server room management company. For more info visit
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