วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Computer Training - Are You Making These 5 Costly Training Mistakes?

Even during good economic times, making mistakes when purchasing computer or soft-skills training had an effect on your bottom line. Yet now more than ever, a misstep could prove quite costly to you and your business, making the difference between thriving or even surviving. Here now are 5 costly training mistakes you may be making, and how to correct them.

#1. Not Training At All

The cash-strapped business owner often looks upon computer and soft-skills training as expendable during hard times. While certainly you want to be wise with your money, cutting out technology and business training altogether is a bad move. Here's why: technology races along at a furious, unstoppable pace. Your employees have neither the time nor inclination to keep themselves up to date, and quickly you end up with a dated workforce with a stale skill set.

The amount of new technical information is doubling every two years, which means that students starting a new 4-year degree will have half of what they learned outdated by their third year of study. Consider that! And the amount of new unique information generated on the planet for 2008 was estimated at 4 exabytes, which is 4x10^19! That is more new information than the last 5,000 years! Suffice it to say, to fail to update your and your employees' technical skills is a recipe for disaster.

#2. Assuming Your Employees Will Keep Themselves Up-to-Date

A lot of managers take the tack of hiring talented, tech-savvy workers, assuming they will keep themselves up-to-date. While these workers, usually your Gen Y folks, are generally much better at technology, the simple fact is they do not keep themselves up on business software as much as you might think.

Certainly they know the ins and outs of Facebook and Twitter, and how to perform mini-miracles with their cell phones during odd moments, but they generally don't spend time learning the detailed aspects of Microsoft® Word or Excel, or even the handier tricks and time-savers associated with operating systems like Windows® or Mac OS X.

And they don't spend in-depth time learning their production software because they are so busy keeping up with all the projects you throw at them. They may be smart as whips, but even they need time for training and expert guidance to help them stay afloat. The bottom line is, no matter how brilliant your workers, their skills stagnate over time and you put yourself and your business at risk when you cut out technology and business training altogether.

#3. Not Training to Employees Strengths

This is a classic. I have been asked so many times to teach a group of employees how to use Excel, or Project, or even complicated graphics programs like Photoshop or Illustrator, because the employees who used to fill those roles moved on or were fired. The students in front of me were typically folks in unrelated roles who had been asked to step-in and take over.

I have no problem helping these folks learn new software and do their jobs, but often they were simply not suited to their new tasks. It takes a special mindset to understand and use project management software, for example, and asking regular folk to step in and take over these roles isn't the wisest management move.

You are far better off training secretaries how to use Word and Excel, and engineers how to use Project, etc. Otherwise, you are asking for these poor beleaguered folks to botch your business. Suit your employees to their tasks, and if you really need someone to take over a technical position, consider hiring in someone new or hiring a temp.

I know it may be tempting to just have the new intern build you a database, or have someone from accounting create a spreadsheet central to your business, but consider that these tasks are often far more complicated than they seem and you are putting yourself and your business at risk to have the wrong folks at the helm.

#4. Not Customizing Course Content

If you have read my previous articles, I have mentioned this many times, but it bears repeating: don't bother holding training sessions unless you are going to customize the course topics to employees' job tasks. Otherwise you are asking your employees to sift through massive amounts of data to find a couple of helpful ideas, when instead you could be targeting your efforts much more effectively with customized topics.

Begin with the reason why you are holding the training and work backwards to arrive at your topic set. For example, if you are rolling out a new upgrade to design software, then the reason for the training is to keep your designers up-to-date on the new software.

Right away this tells you that you need to hold a "what's new" session, instead of a tedious beginning, intermediate, and advanced course that will waste a lot of time and money. And you can probably hold this session as a half-day, instead of the typical 6-hour training day. Let's see, hold one half-day session as opposed to three full-day sessions...hmmm, hard to know what to do here ;)

#5. Not Matching Student Skill Levels with Courses

The final costly training mistake you can make is holding courses with employees of varying skill levels. While this is inevitable to some degree, what I am talking about is putting the absolute newbies in with the advanced folk, and this just absolutely ruins a course. And it is a lot more common than you might think.

What generally happens is the advanced students pick up the info quickly and are ready for more. They are tapping their pens, starting to email their friends, and getting bored. The newbies are struggling to keep up, and often the instructor must personally assist them on many or all tasks, repeating instructions several times and even "riding their mouses." (Mice?)

Many times I've had to drastically reduce or even eliminate the amount of information I covered in a course because of this, which left the advanced students frustrated and the newbies totally confused, and me completely exhausted! I can't tell you how many times just one total newbie has completely destroyed a training session.

So be wise with your student population in your courses. Put your total newbies in their own course, or consider having them go through some one-on-one training or computer based training by themselves before lumping them in with the others. It will make your training sessions much more powerful and cost-effective, and you will accomplish your goal of getting your folks up-to-speed much faster and more efficiently. That will translate into more productivity and a better bottom-line.

About the Author:

Michael J. Phillips is an author, computer and soft-skills trainer, and technology guru in the Orange County area of Southern CA. He has been teaching technology since the word "email" was born. Take advantage of his expertise and book corporate computer and soft-skills training which gets real business results, guaranteed. Visit PC Training Experts today to get started.

(c) 2009 Mike Phillips. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_J_Phillips

วันอังคารที่ 28 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Why the Motor Trade is Turning to Custom Built IT Systems

Different business sectors are adopting different information systems for better management and interaction with their clients. It is clear that IT systems are taking over businesses as the motor trade is showing signs as well in transforming to custom built IT systems.

But not all businesses can handle the transitions on their own, especially if people in the current system aren't able to easily adapt or get to grips with the system themselves. This is where motor trade IT systems and solutions come in; they serve as a convenient bridge in making the system complete for any small or large organisation to operate. Motor trade IT solutions have all these features that make them valuable.

Network Flexibility
These services can adapt to any current network configurations if the network needs some improvement. Both wired and wireless configurations are usually supported along with the recommended setup based on a number of factors. No network isn't complete without a printer which is why most motor trade IT systems partner directly with popular printer vendors including Lexmark so these printers can be implemented with ease for use of local and Kerridge printing.

Most of the better solutions can fully support IT systems no matter how small or big they are. Systems that have dozens of users can be easily managed as well as larger systems with hundreds of users. This is all possible when the solution has great knowledge of the Autoline system that can be set up from scratch and complete with training.

Security Options
Motor trade custom built IT systems have all the options necessary for the network to perform well and stay secure. They can provide security solutions such as online content filtering and various speed optimisations. Site backups are also common services that ensure that any lost data can be replaced easily. Whenever other problems arise, support is readily provided in the form of resources and software. Secure e-mail server solutions are optional as well.

Upgrade Plans
It is now possible to let a service completely do all the work for users that wish to go from Kerridge Rev7 to Autoline Rev8. From the initial setup to the items, print solutions, and communication channels, custom built IT systems provide everything as long as they are backed with dedicated personnel. They also have the objective to ensure that businesses save largely on costs throughout the transition period. Support is also given to ensure that the upgrade goes smoothly.

Trusted Consultants
The main reason why motor trade is turning to custom built IT systems is because the system users trust in the technical consultants that are responsible for preparing stable systems. They have all the knowledge in different operating systems and advanced networking concepts along with vast security knowledge to get the job done completely.

Lots of Motor Trade specific systems are growing by relying on the support of these services that have a passion of developing their systems. They even go as far as supporting Autoline training and remote hosting of the entire system.

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who writes for a number of UK businesses. For information about Networks, he recommends Network Needs, a leading provider of Motor Trade IT Solutions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Derek_Rogers

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Secret to Getting Automatic Driver Updates For Your Computer

A computer is one of the items in your work desk that will always need upgrading. We all know that everyday new and better hardware and software are being introduced into the market. This does not mean you have to go out and buy a new computer every 6 months. All you will need is to download the latest drivers.

Computer drivers will make sure that your hardware and all your applications are updated. You need this so that you will always be working at optimum speed and capacity. An old software, relatively speaking, might not be compatible with your latest download, so to keep things all working in sync, you will only need to get the latest computer drivers.

The problem with the drivers that you were given when you bought your hardware (or software) is that it becomes obsolete after a while. This could eventually work against you because it could slow down your computer when you acquire new software.

It's really easy to get new computer drivers, and the best thing about it is that you do not have to do anything at all. If you use a reliable software program like Drivercure, you can get driver updates automatically. You can try to find which drivers need to be replaced on your own, but this can be very confusing, and you could end up downloading the wrong one. A good software program has a huge database of all of the drivers out there, and it will quickly scan your computer to see which ones need to be replaced.

Click here for a FREE SCAN to see which drivers on your computer need to be updated, and how to get them quickly and easily

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeff_Farley

Recycling Apple Laptop Batteries

If you wish to play a role in helping to have a positive impact on the world in which we live, recycling is one of the best ways for you to do so. Recycling is vital to both the natural environment and to humans. We must act swiftly, as the amount of waste we create is increasing all the time. Landfills cannot keep up and when people throw away hazardous material in with their regular trash, this can cause major problems. Another issue is that large amounts of energy is being used to manufacture new items, when for a fraction of the energy, older items can be used to create new ones.

It may not seem as if one person can make a difference, however if you think about the millions of people who at some point will be disposing of their Apple laptop batteries and batteries from other types of computers, the amount of potential hazardous waste is astonishing.

The amount of trash that humans create is always increasing. There are several reasons for this. As people buy more products, they ultimately have more to throw away. As the population increases, there are more humans creating waste. New packaging, which may save manufacturers some money, are not environmentally friendly which means that they are not biodegradable. While the messages of going green and the very importance of recycling are being heard now by more people than ever, it is still very important to remember that anyone with Apple laptops should know about programs to help customers very easily lend a hand in recycling Apple laptop batteries.

The Apple corporation strongly encourages customers to recycle their Apple laptop batteries. They clearly state that Li-Ion, NiCad, NiMH batteries are known to be hazardous to the environment and should not be thrown away with your trash. For this reason, they have are part of the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation, which has a website to let you know what to do. Basically, thousands of sites have been set up nationwide to accept old batteries. These are in convenient locations, such as food stores and malls. Once collected, they are shipped off to facilities which will take those old batteries and put them to good use.

In many cases, the components of old laptop batteries can be used to make new ones. If everyone pitches in, this can be a continuing cycle of taking old parts, making them fresh again and preserving the environment. So the next time you see that your Apple laptop battery is no longer of use to you, think about how it can be used to create new ones and at the same time help keep the environment clean for your children and all future generations.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Stone

วันศุกร์ที่ 24 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Heated Computer Mouse - A Warm Mouse Relaxes Computer Mouse Hand Muscles

An infrared, heated mouse -- a warm mouse -- is available for computer users to keep the mouse hand muscles relaxed and stress free. If you spend several hours per day using the computer, it's wise to use infrared heat as an alternative source of hand therapy to keep computer hand muscles relaxed and free of tension and stress. According to the PC World Forum archives, the average computer user spends 7-10 hours per day using the computer. Between work, home and play, that's a high risk for Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD). Not to mention, an array of other hand-related injuries like tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.

The endless number of mouse clicks alone is known to create serious computer-related hand injuries. Plus, the gently pounding of keys on the keyboard adds to the cumulative trauma our computer hands deal with on a daily basis. Thanks to infrared heat, we can use the computer in a healthy manner to help us prevent the onset of serious hand injury. Hand therapists agree the use of the computer is on the rise and so are computer-related hand injuries. So, it's time we take a proactive approach and make the computer work for us, not harm us.

Infrared heat has been around for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. It is used in medical facilities and by massage therapists to relax muscles. Now, computer users can benefit from the powerful positive effects of infrared heat. The heated computer mouse plugs into the USB port and within a few minutes delivers a steady flow of deep healing infrared heat to the mouse hand. A cold mouse hand can be an annoying problem preventing a person from using the computer. Relief is achieved using a heated mouse.

A test was performed with a person who suffers with hand arthritis. After 30 minutes of infrared, heated computer mouse use daily for one week, the person was able to use the computer for longer hours pain free. Before the use of the warm mouse, the person's computer use was limited, and the mouse hand pain was intense. A cold mouse hand with arthritis causes the hand to cramp and the fingers to become numb. With the aid of a warm mouse, the mouse hand became warm, muscles relaxed and tension was gone.

The heated computer mouse is safe for people and the computer. It uses a low 5v USB carbon fiber heating element. The carbon fiber creates the infrared heat. When purchasing a warm mouse, make sure it is made with a carbon fiber. Ergonomic shape is also important and helps the hand's posture remain in proper position using the warm mouse. Infrared heat penetrates deep through the skin's layers to the muscle tissue. Using an USB ergonomic heated mouse will help prevent computer related hand injuries and provide a soothing source of hand therapy every time the computer is used.

For more heated mouse information and the healthy effects of an infrared heated, Warm Mouse, visit the Learning Center at Warm-Mouse-Heated-Keyboard.com & IGMproducts.com.

Anna Miller, ValueRays® USB Hand Warmers with Infrared Heat
http://IGMproducts.com & http://Warm-Mouse-Heated-Keyboard.com
Warm Mouse - Heated Mouse - Heated Mouse Pad - Heated Computer Keyboard - Mouse Hand Warmer®

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anna_Miller

วันพุธที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Use Private Keys For SSH Authentication From Windows to Linux

Take one look at the / var / log / secure directory on an Internet-connected server and you'll immediately understand the need for securing your root account. The bad guys are constantly attempting root and other usernames to attempt to login to your server using SSH or some other protocol. If you use a simple password, it's only a matter of time before your server is compromised by a password-guessing attack. Best practice is to disallow SSH logins by root, thus eliminating a big part of the risk. The problem is that doing so also eliminates a lot of convenience for sys admins and complicates the use of tools such as WinSCP for file copy from your Windows desktop or laptop to your Linux or UNIX server.

A fairly simple solution is to use public/private keypairs for authentication. The public key is stored on the Linux/UNIX server and the private key is stored on your local Windows computer. When you attempt to connect to the Linux/UNIX server from your Windows computer, authentication is done with the keypair instead of a password. Password authentication is actually disabled for root, so no amount of password guessing will work for authentication.

Here's how to do it:

Start by downloading the PuTTY Windows installer from the Internet. Search on the term "PuTTY SSH" to find the installer. Run the installer on your local Windows computer.

Now, you must generate the keypairs. The PuTTY Windows installer you just ran installs an application called PuTTYgen that you can use to generate the keypairs. The installer probably placed PuTTYgen (and the other PuTTY applications) in Start>>All Programs>>PuTTY.

When you run PuTTYgen for the first time, you must generate a new keypair. At the bottom of the PuTTYgen window are three parameters choices including SSH-1 (RSA), SSH-2 RSA, and SSH-2 DSA. SSH-2 RSA is the default choice with a default key length of 1024 bits. Longer key lengths are more secure, but require more processing power. 1024 bits is an acceptable compromise at this time (late 2008), but may not be acceptable in the future as computer processing power continues to increase.

Click the button labeled Generate to produce your public and private keys. (You must move your mouse pointer over the blank area at the top of the screen to generate some randomness for use in producing the keypair. Just move your mouse pointer in a cirular motion over the blank area until the progress bar reaches the far right side and PuTTYgen generates the keys.)

You can now save the private key on your local laptop or desktop computer and copy the public key to the remote Linux/UNIX server.

Enter and confirm a passphrase to protect the private key in the two fields in PuTTYgen.

Click the button labeled Save private key and select a location on your local hard drive to save the private key. (Remember to protect your private key by storing it securely!)

Copy the jibberish text that is the public key (at the top of the PuTTYgen window) and paste it into /root/.ssh/authorized_keys on your server (you'll might have to create the .ssh directory and you'll probably have to create the authorized_keys file).

On your Linux/UNIX server, inspect /etc/ssh/sshd_config to ensure that RSA authentication and public key authentication are both allowed. If not, change "no" to "yes" or uncomment the lines to allow said authentication. Also, ensure that the path to the authorized_keys file is set to "%h/.ssh/authorized_keys" and uncomment the line. (I found the three lines at line 43 on a RedHat system and line 29 on a Debian system.) When you're done, the lines should look like this:

RSAAuthentication yes PubkeyAuthentication yes AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys

Test the configuration by attempting to log on as root using PuTTY with private key authentication: From your Windows workstation, start PuTTY and enter the hostname or IP address of your server in the Host Name (or IP address) field.

In the left pane of the PuTTY window, under Category, expand SSH and click on Auth.

Click on the buttown labeled Browse... and find the private key file you saved earlier.

Click the button labeled Open to start the session When prompted for a username, enter "root"

If your configuration is correct, you'll be prompted for the private key passphrase. If you enter it correctly, you should be authenticated as root and see a privileged prompt (On systems using the BASH shell, you should see a pound sign (#).)

You must also disable root password authentication in order to limit the root account to private key authentication.

Open /etc/ssh/sshd_config for editing and modify the line that reads "PermitRootLogin yes" to read "PermitRootLogin without-password".

Restart the ssh daemon: #/etc/init.d/sshd restart on Red Hat systems or /etc/init.d/ssh restart on Debian systems

Attempt to do a password-based login on the Linux/UNIX server. It should be denied. Attempt to perform a private key-based login on the Linux/UNIX server as before. It should be successful.

You can use the private key with PuTTY and WinSCP. I ran into errors when I tried to use it with Tera Term, but Tera Term now includes a keygen utility which seems to work fine with Tera Term, if that's your preference.

Don R. Crawley, Linux+ and CCNA-certified, is president and chief technologist at soundtraining.net the Seattle training firm specializing in accelerated, task-oriented training for IT pros. He works with IT pros to enhance their work, lives, and careers. Click here for a free subscription to soundbytes, the monthly ezine for IT pros.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Don_R._Crawley

How to Get Rid of TEMP Files on Windows XP

If you are reading this it means your computer is slow, you noticing your hard drive is getting smaller or you just plain want to get rid of temp files. Maybe it's all of the above. Whatever the case may be, temp files are an annoying bunch of files that remain behind in your Pc or laptop even after you deleted the folder or program. Even disk clean up cannot get rid of them. Here it's how to get rid of them once and for all.

The first thing you want to do is close ALL open programs, including any running in the background, like Messenger, your anti-virus program, or anything else.

Next we're going to Click on the start button, then Search. Now in the dialog box, make sure where it says "what do you want to search for" pick files and folder option. Next window on the part where it says "look in" make sure it is looking at your C: drive (if you have other hard drives or partitions, be sure to select "All Local Drives") Now make sure there is a check in the box next to where it says "include sub folders". (This is in the "More Advanced Options" in XP. Also, in Windows XP you need to put checks in the boxes that say "Search hidden files and folders" and "Search system folders".) Next were going to click your mouse pointer in the box that says "All or part of the file name and type the following, exactly as I have put it here.


That's........ asterisk period t m p comma asterisk period c h k comma tilde asterisk period asterisk .....Remember NO SPACES.

This is very important; The "tilde" which is the little squiggle above the Tab key on the left end of your keyboard.....DO NOT FORGET THE TILDE as ~*.* will find all files which begin with ~, but *.* but if you don't add it XP would find all files on the drive and you DON'T want to do that!! To be sure you've got it right, just highlight and copy paste this ---- *.tmp,*.chk,~*.* ----copy it and paste it in the search file name box.

It may take a while but once it finds all the files, there may be a long list depending on the last time you did this. At the bottom, it's going to tell you how many TEMP files it found. In Windows XP, if it didn't find any files, you need to go to My Computer, click on the Tools menu and choose Folder Options. Next you will click on the View tab and scroll thru that list to make sure the "Show hidden files and folders" is checked and that the "Hide protected operating system files" is NOT checked. Do this, and then try the search again.

Next you going to Hit ctrl+a to select them all, or select all from the edit button. Next hit your delete key. Chances are it won't delete some of them, that's because the files may be attached to a program running in the background. In that case you may have to delete them one at a time. You may have to select a few at a time until you are left with only the ones the current program is using. If one or two won't delete, they may delete when you reboot. Remember Windows XP tends to hang onto temp files more than the earlier versions of windows, so you may run into a few that you can't delete. At this point they may only be like 2 or 3 if that many. If you have more than that, then try doing it in SAFE MODE.

Typically most of all of these files and folders are safe to delete. Removing them can speed up your Pc or laptop and help you regain space. It may even get rid of a problems your Pc or laptop may be having. Of course some people will naturally be concerned about deleting these files. I was one of them when I did this to my Pc and laptop. If that is the case then you can simply leave the files you deleted in your recycle bin for a few days until you are sure everything is working properly. In the event you have a problem, you can always restore the files from the recycle bin... But I am sure in a few days you will be going into your recycle bin to permanently delete them all.

Remember, if you are unsure of the files; just leave them in the recycle bin for a few days. It's what I always do. That way you can be safe. Hope this helps.

If you are having problems with Spyware or Virus, I recommend these programs on the bottom to help you get your Pc or laptop in order. Have a great day! Please don't forget to please visit my blogs:
Kewl Gadgets Online reviews
Blogster Tipster Tricks Tips.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hector_Mota

วันจันทร์ที่ 20 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Issues That Can Be Fixed by Remote Computer Repair

Your computer is a power horse that gets things done. When something goes wrong with your computer, you need results and you need them fast. In the past, at best, you would have to wait for a technician to come to your location or disconnect your hard drive from the rest of the equipment (monitor, printer, fax machine, etc.) and take it to a repair shop.

If you were lucky, you could get your computer back in a day or two. If not, you suffered through the loss of valuable computer time and missing access to your files. Today, remote computer repair eliminates these unthinkable scenarios when it comes to getting your computer fixed.

There are many different issues that your computer may experience that you perceive to be cause for great alarm. The good news is that you can trust these issues to and your computer can be back up in a matter of a short time. Infection removal is one of the greatest needs today with the continued development of spyware that creates malicious activity.

A slow computer is just cause to be one of the most infuriating experiences on your computer that may lead to the blue screen crash. Other concerns and issues that can be fixed remote computer repair include printer problems, wireless router issues, software installations, spyware removal, email help, browser 404 errors, Vista repair, error messages, Microsoft Office repair and many more things.

Many issues that arise with computers are not major issues. Knowing how to solve the problem, however, can be a major complication when you do not understand how to effectively access programs and settings without disturbing other parts of the computer's overall system. Even if you consider yourself to be knowledgeable about how computers work, remote computer repair lets you get questions answered about what is causing the issues.

Fortunately, there are many different issues that can be fixed by means of remote computer repair, which means you no longer have to take your computer to a different location to get it working. From software to various other operating system issues, you can simply pick up the phone, get connection to a specialist and before you know it your computer will be back up.

It's true that not every problem can be fixed by remote connection. Many times, if a problem such as a virus has run rampant on your hard drive and destroyed sectors, a remote computer fix will not suffice. In this case, many companies will not charge you for making the diagnostic determination that remote repair work cannot get your computer running again.

When you have issues that can be fixed from a remote location, it is simple enough to get straight to the heart of the matter. You can save time and money by using this method of repair work. Don't waste time with other methods that may not be nearly as efficient or effective as this one.

OnlineComputerHelpers.com - Remote Computer Repair

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Keith_Reig

วันเสาร์ที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Remote Computer Repair 101

It is becoming one of the most popular ways to get your computer fixed for problems that previously took a long time to figure out and fix. Remote computer repair can quickly solve computer questions, email setup, data recover, virus removal, spyware removal, malware removal, antivirus updates, network issues, basic computer problems, computer diagnostics, software installation, software configuration and more.

But what exactly happens when you want to make a choice about having this work done to your computer? First, the basic premise is that you must allow your computer to receive the software that runs the remote computer repair diagnostics program. You will be prompted to accept the installation, after which the remote location can access your computer, see the screen as well as control the keyboard and mouse.

Allowing remote access does not take away your control of the computer. This is important to remember for those who are concerned that confidential information may be compromised. You are witness to the actions being taken right as they happen. Because remote computer repair is conducted by a live person on the other end, you have the opportunity to end the connection at any time if you wish. Once the call is concluded, the software should automatically uninstall, ensuring no security risk to you.

Remote computer repair makes optimum use of the Internet by providing affordable services to fix your computer by companies who typically do not charge a fee if they cannot fix your problem. This provides added security because the company is most interested in getting your computer fixed so that they can get paid.

128-bit encrypted technology is what runs the software that accomplishes remote computer repair from your computer to another at a remote location. The remote phone call allows to briefly discuss the problems you are having with your system and in as little as a few minutes, your problem may be fixed. At the very least, you will be connected to another system and a professional technician will start to work on finding the problems that are making your system dysfunctional.

With many remote repair companies, the Internet allows them to provide services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is very important to people who work on their computers at night or for the unexpected system breakdowns that occur in the early morning hours.

This remote form of computer repair is becoming increasingly competitive and with just a little research you can secure some of the best services available for a moderate charge. It is also seldom that you will have to pay for services before they are rendered or that there is a charge only when your computer has been repaired.

Some computer issues that arise are basic in nature and can be fixed in a matter of seconds. The key is in knowing how to diagnose the problem and the proper steps to take to remedy the problem. Remote repair specialists can do this quickly and effectively.

OnlineComputerHelpers.com - Remote Computer Repair

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Keith_Reig

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Find and Replace Text - Complete Information

Each of us needs to create, edit many documents daily as it is impossible to do so manually. That is why number of tools and utilities programs has been created to search the content, edit them or replace the contents.

While working with word documents or power point presentations or excel spreadsheets one usually deals with limited number of such files at a time. Most of the processing tools are enough for such kind of tasks like searching or editing within two three documents. One can easily search for a particular phrase, word and find them and perform the required operation. However, when one is working across multiple documents, such a task become very complex and most of the tools do not work properly.

Usually most of the people do not even know that such a software is available that can make searching hassle free. Most of us just keep on using the inbuilt search provided by the operating systems and never bother to download such utility applications which are available free on the internet. So it clear that if you have a large number of files on your hard disk and you don't want to end up waiting while searching a file then use such an utility and make your searching a fun. There are number of search and replace utilities that one can download from the Internet that can be used to make searching and replacing process faster. Moreover most of these applications are free to download. Other benefits of using such file management programs is that such programs let the user to organize the file systems and to even recover the damaged or corrupted files.

Such file search and management utility programs can do following tasks:

Searching of files by their size and replacing string with new string.

Searching files on basis of some keywords; that are part of file.

Advanced search options which makes search faster and accurate.

Supports all file formats such as .DOC, .PDF, .HTML, .RTF, .bmp etc.

Provide other features like copying, editing, deleting redundant files.

Recovering corrupted files.

Tracking deleted files and make log entries.

Advanced functions like file archiving, encryption, password protection.

Most of the operating system comes with a built-in search tool that can search the file on the hard disks but such tools works only if you give a precise right file name or know its actual location on the hard disk. Imagine some one has one lakh files on the hard disk then how he can remember their names or location and if such a user needs to search a file then it gets very irritating and time consuming. So only way left for such a user is to download free or paid software with advance searching capabilities like search by size, search by content and search by date of creation. Find and replace directory or document utilities are very handy for a variety of applications. Every one of us will need such a tool at some point of time when number of directories is too large and it is difficult to manage them with generic tools.

If you are interested in find and replace text, check this web-site to learn more about search and replace doc.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sam_Miller

วันอังคารที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Computer Repair Online is Smart

Getting your computer fixed has come a long way from the days when you had to disconnect your hard drive from the other peripherals and physically carry it to the repair shop. If you were lucky, they could schedule time to look at it right away and perhaps by the end of the day you would receive a phone call advising you on what the problem was, how much it was going to cost, when it would be repaired and how long the repairs were going to take.

Overall, the entire scenario was one that would cause most to utter a groan of disappointment and start about scrambling to adjust schedules to account for the lost production time. Fortunately this scenario is primarily a thing of the past. Today, you can take advantage of computer repair online. It is one of the fastest, smartest way to address problems that arise in a number of areas on your computer.

One of the nicest things about getting computer repair online is that your computer or network of computers are fixed almost instantly. There is no waiting for a service technician to arrive and certainly no need to move your system to another location.

Another factor that makes computer repair online the smart way to go is that the cost is always less than calling an expert out to your location. Computer problems don't wait for a convenient time to happen. Often it may be the middle of the night, in a remote location or at a time when typical businesses are closed that your computer breaks down. When this happens, you don't have to scramble around for assistance.

The Internet provides an online atmosphere that never sleeps. This means that no matter what time of day or night that you need services, you can rely on the online environment to provide you with the choices you require. When it comes to computer repair, using the Internet is quick and convenient.

You can visit the website that you want to perform the services you require and with just one mouse click you will have a live chat with an expert who will ask for a brief description of the problem. Remember that computer repair online does not take away control of your computer.

You can watch on screen as your computer system is accessed but you retain complete control with the mouse if you choose. If you want to discontinue the services being performed at any time, you can do so just by ending the session. Also, even though online computer fixes tend to require a software program installation, that programming is usually uninstalled once the work is completed and leaves no trace behind.

When you find computer problems such as viruses, spyware and operating system errors, don't wait for something worse to happen. You can take advantage of online repair services to get your computer back in great shape in no time at all.

OnlineComputerHelpers.com - Computer Repair

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Keith_Reig

Crazy Free Laptops Obtained Through Gift Reward Websites

Many of you have probably seen offers and promotions throughout the Internet and in your email regarding an opportunity to get a crazy free laptops. It is very easy to pass off these offers as a complete scam and move on. This natural instinct serves us all well when it comes to scams and protects us from the very scammers that promote these offers.

The Reality

The reality of it is that these websites do not actually offer crazy free laptops without some type of financial commitment for trying products from companies that seek to attract new customers. It is possible to obtain a rather high-end laptop computer for much less than the market value but it is not a crazy free laptops.

The catch to receiving the laptop is that it may require a significant portion of your time and patience with the rewards process, but the payoff will be a laptop computer that you otherwise may not be able to afford.

Staying On Top of the Gift Reward Process

* Do the Research: Do your research on the company making the offer and find out what their track record is as well as their reputation. You can do this by contacting them to make sure the contact information is valid and finding out their exact location in the event of a problem. Also read the terms of service as well as the rule, policies, and instructions for the gift rewards program.
* Free Trial Period: A lot of the gift reward websites that offer a crazy free laptop program require you to participate in product trials to redeem your credits to receive a "free" laptop. The reason that so many participants end up shelling out more money than a laptop would cost, is that they get involved with numerous monthly subscription plans, product purchases, and other product evaluation strategies.

Most of the merchants offer a free product trial period. The key to staying on top of the program financially is to keep track of what you are signing up for and then canceling before the trial period has expired. Be aware that some offers place restriction on this action.

The merchants profit from the gift reward system under the premise that not everyone will complete the process and will forget when the free trial period expires. They end up paying more money for the products they are trying out than if they purchased the laptop outright.

* Maintain Detailed Records: Receiving a laptop from a crazy free laptops program for a fraction of the market cost means that you will have to maintain detailed records of the gift rewards programs you get involved with.

Most programs require you to select a specified number of offers and as a result it is easy to forget what programs you got involved with. You can keep track by using a spreadsheet in a program such as MS Excel, and remember to print out the terms of each merchant so they cannot change anything on the Web page at a later date.

The time consuming part is keeping all of the records of each offer in which you participate. This includes spreadsheet details, print outs, terms and conditions, and screen shots of every offer you get involved with.

If you are looking to get a laptop immediately, a crazy free laptops program may not be for you. However, if you have the patience and endurance to do what is necessary to stay on top of a crazy free laptops program the rewards of receiving a laptop for a fraction of the market cost is well worth the effort.

Jonathon Hartman is an accomplished option trader, focusing on developing innovative and unique option trading strategies, approaches and methodologies. For a limited time, you can sign up to his newsletter absolutely free by clicking on this link - option trading newsletter.

Visit Crazy Free Laptops to get your free crazy free laptop. If you are looking for other information on laptops, visit Free Laptops.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jonathon_F_Hartman

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Computer Programing

Basic Computer Programing

In this article, we are going to present computer programing and discover how it may be applied to command the way your computer operates. Generally, computer beginners aren't concerned in controlling the computer, new computer users are commonly concerned in learning more about how it all works. Nevertheless they may be surprised to learn that computer programing increases computer knowledge as a whole and it can assist to decrease the fearfulness and intimidation associated with using a new computer.

Computer programing is creating a succession of commands that enable the computer to do some actions. The people who program computers (called Computer Programers) use a programing language to communicate with a computer. You might have heard of some of these languages in the past such as Visual Basic, C++, or Fortran. There are hundreds of other programing language and neither one is best than the other. Just about all of them are capable of executing the same tasks and accomplishing the same goals. A programer chooses one language by a simple preference.

Each of these languages differ by the way they communicate with a computer, the commands that they abide by are very specific. Not a single command of one language can be exchanged with the commands or language of another. But all of them can be used to control a computer.

At present it would be impossible to teach you how to program any language in a single article or lesson. But we can still introduce you to some of programing's most basic concepts - starting with the commands. Commands are the instructions that a computer conforms to perform an action. To make them work inside of a program, programers assign commands to objects like buttons for example.

The commands in a program are pretty worthless unless they have some data to pursue so programers either give the programs some information to work with (list of names or numbers for example) or they make the program generate it's own data. Occasionally, the data comes from an outside source like the Internet or the computer that the program resides. The data that a program receives is called input and data that the program generates is called output.

Other times, the data is unknown. If the program were working with a simple algebra equation like, "x + 5 = y," the variables "x" and "y" would be unidentified pieces of data. Or if a program were to calculate a date "x" days from now, the variable "x" would be an unidentified piece of data until we tell the program what "x" is. In programming, it's sometimes required to work with unidentified pieces of data.

That's when conditions are convenient,conditions allow a program to execute an action based on the event of a previous command. Using this type of command, we could instruct a program to do one thing if the "x" variable in our latter example turned out to be 9 days, and then do different thing if the variable turned out to be 31 days.

Commands, data, variables, and conditions help build the most simple programs and there are certainly more components of any programming language. But when they're typed into a programing language and compiled to create an executable file (a file ending with the .exe extension), they turn into a software application.

As we mentioned earlier, you can use a programing language to control your computer. By using simple commands, you can program your computer to perform mathematical tasks, fill out web forms, compose an email message and send it off, or any number of other things. If you're interested, you may find Visual Basic one of the most easiest computer programing languages to learn. Visual Basic is an object-oriented programing language and it automatically codes much of a program the minute a programmer drags a button onto a screen.

Cuono Riccio

More information (Ebook) on Compter Programing can be found here http://www.online-shop.net.au/computer/computerprograming.html The book covers the very basic concept for computer programing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cuono_Riccio

วันอังคารที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Helpful Tips For Cleaning Computer Files

Computers have been part of our everyday life. In the fast world of computer technology, monthly, weekly or even daily, we are introduced to new software programs, games, and even new ways to download music and videos through the internet and a lot more. Of course, the companies that produce these also have very good marketing strategies that tend to make the consumers try out and even buy their product - may it be a game, a new photo editing software, music converter, and what-not. Consumers, meanwhile, tend to enjoy these programs or files but do not realize that they have accumulated so much of them over a period of time - too many that it eventually slows down the computer. Originally, we use a computer to speed things up. But with all the new downloads we get every so often, is the computer still doing it's main responsibility?

Computer speed is a vital characteristic of a good and reliable computer. May it be at work, at school or even at home, one cannot waste a minute or even just a few seconds waiting for the computer to load. Nor can you afford it if it hangs. We have deadlines to meet, calls and online conferences to attend to, some researching to do for a final paper, etc. But having a "crowded" computer makes these things impossible to achieve. Consumers now have to realize that the key to make computer faster is by choosing, sorting, and cleaning or deleting software programs and files which are only necessary for them to get things done (plus a few extras won't hurt).

Going over your "My Computer" is the best place to start. If you have several drives or hard disks, you may start with the default disk drive then go over the others alphabetically to be organized. Browse through all the programs installed and all the files stored and then think: for the past few months, which programs and files have I used for only once or twice? Which are necessary to do my everyday tasks and which are not?

Writing these down will help you save time later on when you delete all those which belong to "the programs and files which I have only used for only once or twice". This way, not only will it make computer faster, but it will also aid you in organizing or re-organizing all your programs and files.

To make computer faster, make sure to remove or delete as much files and programs as possible. For your files, check the date you last opened each file to identify which files to delete and to keep. Make a folder for the "never to be deleted" files, which, as the title indicates, contains files which you need for a long period of time. Files such as resumes, soft copy of your IDs, certificates, contracts, etc. Make separate folders for the rest of the important files, and delete the others.

For software programs, there is actually a faster way to sort them. By going to the Control Panel and then to Add/Remove Programs, you will see all the programs installed in your computer and a column where you will see the frequency you use a particular program. Through this, you may now delete the programs you rarely use.

Just a tip: you may also sort the programs according to size to check if you have programs that are just taking up too much of your disk space which you can already delete or replace with a lighter version of it. Also, there are programs which you rarely use but is still necessary for a task to be done. Make sure to keep those.

For some, letting go of some programs and files may be a bit harder, especially when they have too many programs and files they'd love to keep using. For some files, such as photos and videos you cannot delete, you may always burn them in a high quality CD or DVD for storage. Just keep in mind that you have to do it and just tell yourself "I need to make computer faster"!

Want learn more ways to improve your computer's performance? Learn how to make your computer run faster with tips simple enough for a beginner to use. And check out your Internet connection with this free computer speed test.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kris_Bickell

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Creating C# Classes - KISS Methodology

Classes offer a way to encapsulate related functions in such a manner as to have them available at their least common functionality locally as well as remotely.

As an example we will examine object linking and embedding database (OleDB) management and utilization.

The namespace is a unique mechanism to house and organize methods and other components of a particular class. The namespace should have structure of cid_fmaid.appname. The cid is the company id. The underscore character is unchanged the famid is the family id of the application.

The appname is the application name the namespace is applicable to. When we expand the acronym to its fullest usability we yield BCS_Access.bex. The bex in this example refers to the Book Exchange application. By using this naming convention the technician is informed about the overall function of the aforementioned class. Properties are intentionally omitted from this exercise. Properties are only used when the provided mechanisms (passed parameters and returned types) cease to satisfy the functional requirements.

The first consideration is to establish a connection with the data base management system (DBMS).

OpenDB establishes the connection string and instantiates in instance of OleDB for subsequent processing.

CreateCmd creates a handle for parsing SQL commands.

SetSql attaches text commands for the command processor to handle.

ClearParams resets the parameters collection used by the command.

CreateParm instructs the command processor to instantiates a new parameter in the parameters collection used by the command.

ExecSql tells the command processor to execute the command with parameters that have been presented. This level of command does not return result sets. Instead it performs create, read, update and delete functions which may affect one or many records in the associated table.

LoadReader provides all necessary communications to handle result set yielded from the associated query. This result or record set is processed on a by record basis. Our class provides the user with a handle containing all the records in the result set.

CloseReader terminates reader processing and closes the result set reader.

CloseDB terminates the instantiated instance of OleDB.

These are the core methods use for handling idiosyncrasies of OleDB utilization for our designed C # class. Other methods are employed which bundle the core methods in sequence to achieve an overall desired effect.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Arch_Brooks

Arch Brooks - EzineArticles Expert Author

วันศุกร์ที่ 3 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Shockproof Laptop Cases - The Ultimate Protection For Your Computer

Laptops are becoming famous among people. The major benefit of these computers that most people like is that they can do their work on the work while sitting anywhere. After the introduction of laptops in market, people tend to purchase these portable computers at wide scale.

If any person buys a laptop, he will surely plan to purchase a good quality bag or case for the protection of his computer. Don't go on the price of the case. You should always pay attention on the protection of your computer. It looks very cheap that you have purchased an expensive laptop and you purchased cheap laptop case or a bag for your computer.

The major quality of good computer case is that it protects your computer from damages. Large variety of bags and cases are available in the market and on websites. Manufacturers introduced very good quality bags with in different designs and colors. The most popular bags and cases for the protection of your computer are shockproof and waterproof cases.

Here are some of the following advantages of both types of bags.

First of all you should consider that the bag you are going to choose is waterproof. A good quality waterproof case has internal padding and has outer sturdy padding. It has more than two waterproof layers. Waterproof cases are usually made up plastic. These types of cases are very helpful for those people who go to their work daily by train. The cases protect it from dust, water, moisture and heat.

Secondly, you should consider that the bag is shockproof or not. The main benefit of this bag is that it protects your computer from shocks and other damages. It is very advantageous for those people who travel a lot. A good quality shockproof bag is that which has good quality internal padding of foam or any other soft material. Make sure that the bag you are going to purchase has outer padding also.

By reading the above tips you will be able select a good quality bag for your laptop.

E laptop cases offers quality

laptop cases and laptop bags


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alamdar_H

Flash Drives in Bulk - USB Party Time

Why would someone need flash drives in bulk? Well, maybe someone wants to rapidly replace what he or she loses all the time. Or maybe someone wants to promote the steamy arrival of a rock band.

There are plenty of things one can do with bulk USB drives. If a relative big number of items is needed it is always beneficial to buy in lots. The first reasons of course is to save money. Sure, flash drives in bulk may not be your edgy brand gadgets but they can definitely hold their own. There's actually a wide selection to choose from, regarding designs as well as capacities.

The big plus is that you have customization options. That may actually be the whole point of getting bulk USB drives as this can greatly boost your promotional campaigns. If you're an insurance agent, you can hand out flash drives that are engraved with your name and contact information. And you could even include some insurance material on the memory stick. For existing customers it's a great thank you and for potential ones it may be the method to win them over.

The same applies if you're an ambitious musician, especially if you find yourself in that struggle of making it. Distributing flash drives in bulk could just push you over the edge if the design complements your genre and appeals with a neat artist logo. Put a few of your demo songs on there or recordings of your live shows and you're opening the doors of spreading like wildfire. Or - if you're somewhat established already - why not use bulk USB drives to sell your albums? It's cheaper than producing CDs with physical cover art and you'd be proving yourself to be hip.

Another person to look at is the computer or electronics retailer. Buying flash drives in bulk is a necessity here as reselling them for a profit can build the backbone of your business. USB memory sticks are definitely a hot commodity and there are no indicators that this will change in the near future. Quite the opposite actually. As design and customization possibilities are quite endless and more and more people are joining the digital world you're bound to be on the winning end.

So whether you're Mr.Smith from Johnson & Smith, Jay Rock from The Geeky Riffs or Mr. Buy2Sell - why don't you spread some love with bulk USB drives? Remember, you can also be raking in some dough at the same time.

For more details and where to buy see my post on Bulk Flash Drives. Also, check out my general entries on USB Flash Drives.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dennis_Tielmann

Are You Ready For the New Windows 7?

Windows 7 is the new upcoming version of the Microsoft Windows operating systems. People are looking forward to having this version of Windows because Windows Vista didn't live up to its name, it was buggy and had some problems. Most reliable Microsoft Windows to this day is Windows XP. Windows 7 was codenamed Blackcomb and Vienna when it was in preparation.

Unlike Windows Vista that has a great layout and visual quality, Windows 7 will be more compatible, it will support all previous software that worked on past versions of Windows and it will be an a lot faster and better operating system.

Windows 7 will bring some major updates to some Windows features. For example advances in handwriting recognition, better performance with multi-core processors, kernel upgrades, support for virtual hard drives, better boot performance, etc. Many new features will be added to the control panel, so you will be able to customize your operating system even more then you could before. The taskbar will be changed to, the quick launch icon has been removed and replaced with pinning programs and applications to the taskbar. The new task bar is easier and more practical, but maybe you will need some time to get used to it. The new layout has some practical features and it can make some of your Windows transparent just by dragging your mouse over the icon, which can be really helpful in some situations.

Microsoft has published information on minimum system requirements needed to use Windows 7. Microsoft has released an application that works as an advisor, it scans your computer to see if it is compatible for Windows 7.

For 32 bit system minimum system requirements for Windows 7 are following: 1 GB of RAM, Processor should be minimum 1 GHz, graphic card should support direct x 9 and it should have at least 128 MB of graphics memory, it requires 16 GB of hard disk space. For 64 bit things are different: At least 2 GB of RAM, processor 1 GHz, Graphic card that supports direct x 9 with 128 MB of graphics memory and at least 20 GB of free hard disk space is required for installation.

Some features that Windows Vista had are removed in order to maximize the performance. Your computer should work really fine when using Windows 7 because the main goal when making Windows 7 was to fix the previous problems and make it stable and reliable. Layout for Windows 7 looks great and it looks like they have really paid attention to making it functional and user friendly rather than putting make up on something that doesn't work but looks nice. This is the idea most people had that used Vista.

Your computer will certainly work great when using Windows 7 if it has the minimum system requirements, but it is always better to have computer that does not only mach minimum operating requirements but is even better configured. Windows 7 will run smoothly even on computers that are outdated, it is only needed to have requirements earlier mentioned in the text. It looks like Microsoft is finally making something as good as Windows XP, maybe even better.

The Computer Guy, You can find me at Computer Repairs Perth

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jay_Lee_Johnson